Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Pattern Development

This week I have focused on developing my digital print on Photoshop for my final piece. I have combined a brown motif of an atomic mushroom cloud with yellow marigolds, selecting the flower to tie in with my colour scheme. As you can see I have tried to vary the scale of the motifs as it had quite a flat and uniform look to it previously and this has given it a camouflaged look, tying in nicely with my theme of war, peace and the atomic bomb.
 I am going to experiment with using filters on photoshop to create a more abstract pattern as well as the blurring tool. I also need to get rid of the white gaps you can see, but don't want to just plonk a layer on top as it will ruin the subtlety built up by the under and overlaying. 
The digital print workshop helped me greatly when considering my print, its scale and colour. Next I need to look into fabrics and costings.